Welcome to the 6th International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2020)
26th-28th August, 2020 (University of Oulu, Finland)
Following five successful conferences in Kobe, Japan (ICDC 2010), Glasgow, UK (ICDC 2012), Bangalore, India (3rd ICDC), Atlanta, US (ICDC 2016), and Bath, UK (ICDC 2018), the 6th ICDC 2020 is organized virtually in the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, from 26th to 28th of August 2020.
Founded by the Special Interest Group (SIG) on Design Creativity and supported by the Design Society, ICDC 2020 welcomes researchers studying the nature of design creativity from several perspectives: design, engineering, computer science, education, linguistics, management, and cognitive science. ICDC 2020 offers a forum for all those actively studying the topic of creativity within design. We invite authors to address the special theme of Creativity at the Extremes
You can get more information about the conference and themes in the Conference Flyer
Changes given the situation with COVID-19
The 6th International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2020) will be entirely online event in its original schedule from 26th to 28th of August. The organizers are committed to publishing all accepted papers and proceedings publication according to the original timeline, similarly to previous ICDC conferences. Reduced registration fee is available at the website . More information on presentation preparation and participation instructions are already available.
Creativity at the Extremes
08st September 2020Pictures from the online conference can be downloaded from our program page. The zip file is encrypted and the password is the same as the one for the proceedings.
Thank you all!
31st August 2020In spite of the challenges rising from COVID, we managed to organized a successful ICDC2020 (Online) Conference. Thank you very much to all of you who made it possible, including the Program and Conference chairs, Session chairs (that facilitating amazing discussions in spite of the difficulties), the organizing committee, the paper authors and of course the audience who were actively contributed in the discussion either in live or in Slack. Remember that Slack channel is still active. We expect your contribution there. Thank you!
Proceedings available online
25th August 2020The ICDC2020 proceedings are already available. Conference participants will receive soon the password to open the Proceedings file. Thank you very much to all authors for their valuable contribution to the ICDC community.
Instructions to connect online conference
19th August 2020The instructions to follow online conference already available. The conference will use Zoom as main conference platform and Slack for social interaction. If any participant had any issue or would like to share any concern do not hesitate to contact the organizing committee
Program updated
28th July 2020The program has been updated. Some changes in Thursday, August 27th. Keynote speakers have also been confirmed. We are very pleased to count with Dr. Jonathan Hey, Prof. Jill Perry-Smith and Dr. Andrea Cooper
Deadline for video presentations
14th July 2020Speakers should prepare their presentation as videos that will be played during the conference. There will be time for discussion after video broadcasting. We provide some instructions to prepare and upload the videos. Deadline for uploading the video is August 14th
Program available
14th July 2020Provisional conference program is available. Some social activities might be added later.
ICDC2020 social media channels
26th June 2020You can already follow ICDC2020 conference in Twitter and Facebook
Early bird registration opens
17th June 2020Early bird registration is open till July 5th. You can already register following this link. More information on fees are accessible in the Attending section of the website.
ICDC2020 changes to online conference
1st June 2020Due to COVID situation conference will be completely online. More information on the program and conference structure by the end of June in this site.
ICDC2020 Supporters and Partners
In Collaboration: PRIMEVR2 EU H2020 project
In Collaboration: Fab Lab Oulu